Disposable Monopolar Pencil EP01

Disposable Monopolar Pencil EP01
Disposable Monopolar Pencil EP01


Ergonomic and lightweight design is comfortable and minimizes fatigue. Water resistant contruction minimizes electrical shocks and inadvertent activations. Ten-foot cord with 3-prong connector is flexible for easier handling of pencil, accept any standard 3/32 in. (0.236 cm) diameter electrode.

Hand Switch Pencil


70mm electrode

blue color

3M cable; 3-prong connector

Disposable Monopolar Pencil EP01

Tip Cleaner

Disposable Monopolar Pencil EP01

Cautery tip cleaner consist of SIO2 coating, sponge and double-faced adhesive tape. Good assistant of cleaning operating, electric coagulation forceps and other medical instruments.

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